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Webinar to Address Failure Demand in General Practices

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

A free webinar set to address practice generated demand, known as failure demand, in Primary Care has been scheduled for June 6.


The event, aimed at General Practices, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), and Primary Care Networks (PCNs), will provide essential insights and strategies to help practices manage and reduce inefficiencies causing excess patient demand.


The panel of experts, including an independent health and social care specialist, a healthcare improvement expert, and an NHS strategic advisor, will explore how to identify and reduce failure demand caused by inefficient processes.


The session will cover:


•            Understanding what failure demand is and its impact on GP practices

•            Identifying common sources of failure demand in primary care

•            Strategies for reducing and managing failure demand

•            Leveraging data to optimise practice demand and processes


The line-up of speakers features:


•            Nick Downham, Independent Health and Social Care Expert

•            Simon Bricknell, Healthcare Improvement Director

•            Max Pardo-Roques, Communications Expert

•            Chaired by Darren Jones, NHS Strategic Advisor


Mr Pardo-Roques said: "General Practices, ICBs, and PCNs that are struggling to manage overwhelming patient demand should definitely sign up for this webinar. Failure demand is the demand caused by a practice needing to bring patients back because something that should have happened, didn’t happen.


“This usually means duplicating work, chasing missed information, or dealing with delays. The webinar is an opportunity to understand how inefficient processes might be creating unnecessary work and learn effective strategies to reduce this burden."


The free webinar takes place on Thursday, June 6 from noon.






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