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The data you don’t have, the decisions you can’t make, the demand you can’t see… Solved.

A bar graph comparing different data points related to healthcare demand and capacity.
A bar graph comparing different data points related to healthcare demand and capacity.
Circular graphic reading: '10% of appointments were partially or fully caused by practice failure.'
Circular graphic reading: 'Up to 20% of all patient calls could be being created by call handlers'.
Mockup of an iPad screen displaying the General Practice Demand and Capacity Optimisation Tool interface.
Asset 1.png
Completed first time? Yes 83%, No 17%
Circular graphic reading: '17% of non completed encounters create  983 h of additional Care Navigator Work'.

Uncover Your Practice's Hidden Inefficiencies

A 20% decrease in non-completed encounters would save 197 hour of care navigator time a year.
Asset 2.png
A blue bar labeled 'Delay/wait in treatment,' with a value of 27.66.

Visualise Your
Local System 

Failure Demand

Vertical bar chart displaying healthcare demand and capacity data.
Circular graphic reading: 'Show where local system failures are driving demand on your practice'.
Asset 3.png
Graphic showing a step-by-step process for managing healthcare demand and capacity.
Circular graphic reading: 'Understand clinical variation through trusted data, unlocking up to 2,153 appointments'.
Circular graphic reading: '53% No follow up required.'

Your Practice's

Follow up Appointment Rates

Is your practice data failing to come together in a meaningful way? Do you lack trust in your clinical system data? Does your data only show what happened, not what should have happened? 

You're not alone. We've seen these challenges across thousands of practices.

That's why we created the General Practice Demand and Capacity Optimisation Tool - a data capture and analytics system that helps General Practices to understand actual demand, rather than just activity data stored in the clinical system.

This unique data set is then visualised to show areas for improvement allowing the practice to better match capacity accordingly.

Using the tool provides evidence for optimising demand and capacity against the general practice QOF indicators.    


To see a sample pack or to find out more, contact us

A digital report displaying data analysis, including graphs, charts related to healthcare demand and capacity managment.

How it works

Your practice holds and collects all kinds of data every day:

  • Patient appointments

  • Incoming calls

  • Patient prescriptions

  • Staffing rotas

But how often does it come together meaningfully?

Many providers claim they can glean insights from clinical systems. But in our experience (across thousands of practices), this rarely rings true.

There are two key reasons:

  1. Practices don't trust clinical system data.

  2. Clinical systems don't capture 'what should have happened'.

The Process

A flowchart outlining the stages of optimizing healthcare demand and capacity.

The Benefits

Icon representing healthcare and support, symbolizing assistance, care, and improved patient experience.

Improved patient experience 

Icon representing improved staff well-being.

Improved staff well-being

Icon representing improved practice process efficiency

Improved practice process efficiency 

(increasing internal capacity and smoothing capacity) 

Icon representing reduced patient wait times

Reduced patient wait times

(reducing demand and smoothing demand)


Get in touch today to find out how you can optimise your practice's demand & capacity

How it works in practice

Curious to explore the real impact of our tool?

Watch our video testimonial featuring Solihull Healthcare Partnership, where you can hear first-hand accounts of their transformative journey through the unlocked data from their practices.


The Team Behind the Tool

Our General Practice Demand and Capacity Optimisation Tool is the result of collective expertise from a diverse team of professionals who truly understand the intricacies of General Practice.

Comprising of GPs, Nursing Staff, Practice Managers, Reception staff, and Healthcare Improvement Experts, our team has accumulated over 100,000 hours of front-line practice experience, working across more than 2,000 practices.


With our deep-rooted knowledge of front-line practice working and life, we are deeply familiar with every data challenge that General Practice entails. 


Unlike external data suppliers or central teams, we possess unparalleled insights into the real-world challenges faced by practices. This empowers us to ask the right questions and focus on the critical areas that truly matter for your practice’s success.

The team behind the General Practice Demand and Capacity Optimisation Tool, engaged in conversation and reviewing charts.
Decorative quotation mark used to highlight text.

Bilal Patel

GP Executive Partner for Finance and Estates and SHP

“The tool has provided a benchmark for us as an organisation. It’s made us realise how we use and utilise business intelligence is pitival in how we shape services. The data we received from the pack was quite distinct from our main clinical system. Putting the data together was something we couldn’t do within our existing clinical system. The pack was helpful in having that analysis on top of the data we already had…and has helped us immensely. The process of collecting the data was quite fun. It was nice to get everyone else involved and every member of the team was told about the process and it brought the entire practice together."


Get in touch today to find out how you can optimise your practice's demand & capacity

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