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How it works


Data driven improvement opportunities that can't be found anywhere else


The Data Collection

We collect data over one week - an intensive effort that yields valuable insights.


Our automated analytics then provide a bespoke report outlining the size, nature and location of your practice's opportunities.

How is this different?

Other offers provide reports based on clinical system data. But that only shows what happened, not what should have happened.


For example, if a patient sees a doctor for a rash that a pharmacy could have handled, the clinical system simply logs the doctor visit.

Our tool captures the ideal pathway - pharmacy - to reveal the true opportunity.             


This purpose-built solution gives your practice actionable, trusted data to drive meaningful improvements.    

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The Results

Our tool provides a robust, trusted report that:

  • Highlights specific opportunities to improve

  • Guides actions to implement improvements

  • Aligns demand and capacity with QOF indicators

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Add a new area. Three examples to be added. The examples will be:


Ability to resolve patient encounter first time.


Quality of pre-consultation information.


Clinical concluding actions categorisation.

How it works in a practice

Curious to explore the real impact of our tool?

Watch our video testimonial featuring Solihull Healthcare Partnership, where you can hear first-hand accounts of their transformative journey through the unlocked data from their practices.


Ready to Kickstart Your Journey?

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